
Do not only practice your art, but force your way into it's secrets, for it and knowledge can raise men to the divine. Beethoven

Friday, March 30, 2012

Picture Friday- Weird Soap

Finally Friday and picture Friday!
I thought I would liven it up today with some strange soap pics. Yes you can make soap look like anything you want. I tend to go for a more natural look but look what I found on the web.

Yes I love my beloved phone so much I want my soap to look like it
Sushi Soap
Hand soap? 

This is actually kinda cute, would be fun to do with the kiddos
Oreo Soaps
Soap on the wall, kinda freaks me out. Is this like when banks put the pens on a chain so you won't steal it?
Put the soap on a stick. I figure if someone would steal soap, they probably need it. Let them have it!
ICK!! Freddy Krueger Soap?? I have a hard time even looking at this!

Hope this gave you a little chuckle and have a great weekend! 
PS: I will blog about the week two soap challenge tomorrow!

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